Chapter 12.40 STREET TREES
This chapter is included in your selections.
- 12.40.010 Title.
- 12.40.020 Definitions.
- 12.40.030 Establishment of comprehensive plan.
- 12.40.040 Jurisdiction and control.
- 12.40.050 Duties of adjacent owners to maintain.
- 12.40.060 Interfering with planting or caring for trees prohibited.
- 12.40.070 Killing or injuring trees prohibited—Harmful substances.
- 12.40.080 Inspection and removal.
- 12.40.090 Duty of private owners—Removal of hazardous trees—Charging costs of work done by city.
- 12.40.095 Permits for commercial tree contractors.
- 12.40.100 No liability upon city.
- 12.40.110 Types prohibited.